captivating and eclectic bouquet that showcases the diversity of nature’s beauty. Featuring a stunning blend of snapdragons, carnations, chrysanthemums in both standard and spray forms, button chrysanthemums, statice, weralla, lavender, gladioli, lilies, and the vibrant hues of celosia and roses, this bunch is a true celebration of shapes, colours, and textures. Accented with the lush greenery of bushy asparagus and wrapped in a rustic dried palm leaf, each element contributes to the overall harmony and interest of the design. Thoughtfully wrapped in recycled materials, this bunch is a delightful and eco-friendly addition to any space.
Special Notes;
* Shirohana reserves the right to substitute flowers and colours in the product based on availability
* Lilies will arrive in bud form for convenient transport and longer shelf life.