A truly breathtaking and magnificent bouquet that captures the essence of a lush, vibrant garden. Featuring a harmonious blend of roses, lilies, chrysanthemums in both standard and spray forms, statice, button chrysanthemums, and the delicate beauty of limonium and celosia, this bouquet is a true celebration of nature’s diversity. Accented with the lush greenery of bushy asparagus, the architectural elegance of agapanthus, and the aromatic notes of lavender, each element contributes to the overall grandeur and charm of the design. Thoughtfully wrapped in recycled materials and complemented by lush foliage, this bunch is a stunning and eco-friendly addition to any space.
Special Notes;
* Shirohana has the right to substitute any flower shown in the product depending on the availability
* Lilies will arrive in bud form for convenient transport and longer shelf life.